sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/cdrom.iso status=progressfuck
dd: błędna flaga stanu: „progress”
Napisz „dd --help” dla uzyskania informacji.
sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/cdrom.iso
dd: błąd czytania „/dev/cdrom”: Błąd wejścia/wyjścia
578816+0 przeczytanych recordów
578816+0 zapisanych recordów
skopiowane 296353792 bajty (296 MB), 36,4562 s, 8,1 MB/s
now its well know its broken.
Warning!! If you reverse the source and target, you can wipe out a lot of data. This feature has inspired the nickname "dd" Data Destroyer. Warning!! Caution should be observed when using dd to duplicate encrypted partitions.
sudo ddrescue -b 2048 -d -r 300 -v /dev/cdrom /iso.iso /ddrescure.logwithout -e param, cause:
GNU ddrescue 1.19
About to copy 3890 MBytes from /dev/cdrom to .
Starting positions: infile = 0 B, outfile = 0 B
Copy block size: 32 sectors Initial skip size: 32 sectors
Sector size: 2048 Bytes
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
rescued: 439353 kB, errsize: 1376 kB, current rate: 0 B/s
ipos: 450101 kB, errors: 21, average rate: 919 kB/s
opos: 450101 kB, run time: 7.96 m, successful read: 1 s ago
Copying non-tried blocks... Pass 1 (forwards)
Too many errors in input filei
In copy process, thinknk how leaning algorithm can fix errors in file. I copy windows from old cd-rom. MS have md5 sing somwhere. So positive results is know by md5 Teach alorithm to fill corupted blocks with learning algorithm. Oh, y English is so bad ;) so what.